Badminton Misbuns influence over BAMs junior players still hold sway
Badminton Misbuns influence over BAMs junior players still hold sway

Badminton: Misbun’s influence over BAM’s junior players still hold sway

PETALING JAYA: Datuk Misbun Sidek may have left the Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM) for good but his shadow still looms large.

The 63-year-old’s training programme is still being followed by the junior coaches and players in the BAM and his former charges still keep in touch with him for advice and encouragement.

On the day that the BAM officially announced that former junior development director Misbun will not be returning to the national fold, junior singles coach Hazwan Jamaluddin said: “We have not made drastic changes to Misbun’s training programme.

“We are just combining what he devised with the senior team’s programme under Hendrawan and Datuk Tey Seu Bock.”

This was after the arrangement was made for the juniors preparing for the World Junior Championships from Sept 25-Oct 8 to train with the senior team.

Men’s singles shuttler Eogene Ewe also shared the influence that Misbun has on him.

“I have been in touch with him since he left,” said Eogene.

“He has advised me to work hard and not take it easy.”

On Misbun’s departure, Eogene said: “This is BAM’s decision. We have to accept it and move on.”

The BAM had sacked Misbun following the juniors’ failure to win any medals at the Asian Junior Championships in Yogyakarta last month before making a U-turn and asking the latter to return to complete his contract, which ends at the end of the year.

Misbun had felt slighted over the manner of his dismissal after he had hoped to make amends with his charges at the world junior meet, and aired his grievances to the media.

BAM president Tan Sri Norza Zakaria had apologised to the legendary coach and offered him the chance to return and complete his contract.

Misbun, though, is understood to have turned down the offer.

The BAM released a statement yesterday which said: “BAM confirm that Datuk Misbun Sidek has parted ways with BAM via reaching an amicable settlement together with the institution.

“BAM consider the case closed and now turn their focus to the preparations for the upcoming world junior meet.”

Meanwhile, Misbun’s personal assistant Nor Kamal Ahmad shared that the former will take a break first before making a decision on his next plan.

“Badminton will always be in Misbun’s blood. But he wants to take a break for a while to clear his mind first before making future plans,” said Kamal.

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