Better maintenance of parks required in Bangsar
Better maintenance of parks required in Bangsar

Better maintenance of parks required in Bangsar

PARKS in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, are frequented by residents for recreation and sports. Many senior citizens congregate here practically daily for some exercise and chit chat.

The adults can be seen jogging and brisk walking, while the children play on the swings and see-saws.

Generally, these parks are well maintained.

However, the upkeep is a major task, given that the parks are full of fast-growing, leafy trees that shed their leaves easily, especially when it is windy.

The park in Jalan Bangkung, Bukit Bandaraya, is a case in point.

Contract workers use blowers periodically to keep the place tidy but with the heavy fall of leaves, regular maintenance is necessary so that the park is kept safe for the young and old.

The traditional sweepers armed with broomsticks should also be deployed alternately to sweep the walkways and exercise areas.

Shrubs and flowering plants can be regularly pruned and fertilised so that they look their lovely best.

Following recent downpours, leaves have not only clogged the drains, they have also been piling up along the fence, including the section fronting the primary school.

The mini-drains are full of piles of leaves and layers of mud, and one can see mosquitoes breeding in the area.

Leaves from trees that have been trimmed in recent months remain uncollected and lie in the park in heaps, posing a danger to children and senior citizens.

Several trees have snapped or fallen following major storms but the tree trunks are yet to be uprooted, while the broken pavements and stairs have not been fixed.

The personal touch of an experienced and caring park superintendent would make a major difference.

Residents have suggested that park superintendents who have some background in park management oversee the care and maintenance of these parks, instead of allowing contractors free rein.

Hopefully, the authorities can ensure remedial and upkeep work is done so that the parks in Bangsar remain attractive and safe for residents.


Kuala Lumpur

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