Lift woes plague PPR Sri Aman folk
Lift woes plague PPR Sri Aman folk

Lift woes plague PPR Sri Aman folk

RESIDENTS of PPR (People’s Housing Project) Sri Aman Block A are calling on Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) to take prompt action to resolve the faulty lift issue at their flats in Jinjang, Kuala Lumpur.

Peter Leong, 64, claimed that the lifts broke down almost every day.

“Despite this block having three lifts, usually only one or two are operational and they move slowly, resulting in about a 15-minute wait each time we call for a lift,” said Leong who has been residing in Block A for six months.

“There have been cases of people getting stuck in the lift and the Fire and Rescue Department had to be called for help,” he said.

Despite regular efforts by maintenance workers to repair the lifts, Leong said they continued to break down.

A. Valliamma, who has been staying at the flats for six years, said the lift breakdowns since December last year had caused a lot of inconvenience for residents, especially the elderly and those with limited mobility.

“What is worse is that one set of the lift buttons at our 10th floor is completely out of order while the other set is only linked to one lift.

“So, we are sometimes forced to walk to the ninth floor to use the lifts.

“Despite multiple complaints lodged with the DBKL office at our flats, it appears that there is no permanent fix to our problem,” said the 62-year-old.

Kepong community activist Yee Poh Ping attributed the faulty lift problem to improper use and the lifespan of the lifts.

“I was told that some residents ride their motorcycles in and out of the lifts.

“The lifts are also subjected to high usage on a daily basis.

“Previously they were prone to vandalism, but that problem reduced when protective panels were installed,” he said.

While there are four blocks totalling 1,600 units at PPR Sri Aman, Yee said Block A records the most severe lift problems.

He urged the officer on duty at the flats to check on the facilities regularly, which might help in reducing potential damage and improve cleanliness on the premises.

He added that DBKL should organise educational campaigns to educate residents on proper usage and maintenance of lifts and other common facilities.

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