No its not soft porn retorts Alya Iman
No its not soft porn retorts Alya Iman

No, it’s not soft porn, retorts Alya Iman

ACTRESS Alya Iman has dispelled rumours of any possible hanky- panky taking place in a recent controversial scene on the newly aired drama, Layang Layang Perkahwinan, Kosmo! reported.

The scene in question is one of the earliest in the 28-episode drama series in which Alya’s character Tsuraya is seen entering a bathroom as another main character Azim, played by actor Shukri Yahaya, takes a shower.

The scene has since been criticised as being a form of “soft pornography” by various critics online, with Alya receiving the most amount of backlash.

Alya, 23, said that she was aware of the possible controversial nature of the scene but stressed that nothing close to actual pornography occurred during the shoot.

“As an actress, it is my duty to carry out my responsibilities according to the script and instructions.

“I know the real events that happen behind the camera and they are nowhere as obscene as people think. We take care of everything,” she said.

Speaking on the massive amount of criticism she was continuing to receive, Alya said she was used to getting hate.

“People already hate me, so I don’t care if bad things are said about me. Anyone who knows me personally will know I don’t do stupid things,” she said.

> Frequent incursions by wild elephants into a primary school near Pos Pasik in Gua Musang, Kelantan, over the past week have left pupils and teachers fearing for their lives, reported Berita Harian.

SK Sri Permai has seen at least five incursions over the past week alone, with the elephants each time targeting and destroying the banana plantations on the school grounds.

The incursions, which began on Jan 17, have cost the teachers over RM1,000 as the wild elephants gorged themselves on the banana trees that had been cultivated by the teachers in the 0.4ha school garden for over three years.

● The above article is compiled from the vernacular newspapers (Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and Tamil dailies). As such, stories are grouped according to the respective language/medium. Where a paragraph begins with this ‘ >’sign, it denotes a separate news item.

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