Publishing road accident stats vital to create awareness on road
Publishing road accident stats vital to create awareness on road

Publishing road accident stats vital to create awareness on road safety, says Lee Lam Thye

KUALA LUMPUR: The move to publish daily statistics on road accidents is a timely move to create more awareness on the need for road safety, says Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye.

The Alliance for a Safe Community chairman said it is appropriate as road accidents have become a serious problem, with an average of 18 deaths recorded on the road daily last year.

“I hope this is something that will engage entire communities by bringing their attention to the issue and at the same time to make them fully aware of the importance of road safety and how they can contribute to it,” he said when contacted on Saturday (March 9).

Lee said the public not only needs to be fully aware of the importance of road safety but all Malaysian road users should make an effort to be educated on how they can contribute to road safety.

“It can be done by participating in seminars and courses. By attending, they will be given more knowledge and education on how they can play their part in keeping the roads safe,” he added.

On top of publishing the statistics in print and online media, Lee said the statistics should also be displayed on electronic billboards on the roads.

“Motorists can see the figures while they are driving or riding and it will certainly impress upon them the seriousness of the matter and the problems involved,” he said.

Lee said his NGO recently organised a two-day conference on traffic safety.

“We feel it is our responsibility to focus on road safety. We hope employers will take a similar course of action as there are many cases of work-related road deaths involving workers who commute from home to their workplace,” he said.

Lee then added that more road safety awareness-raising efforts on the part of NGOs and government agencies are needed

“Motorists must not only learn but understand the need for road safety. Behavioural and attitude changes of road users must be taken into account as well,” he said.

It was reported that statistics of fatal accidents will be made available daily to create more awareness on road safety.

Transport Minister Anthony Loke had said his ministry through the Road Transport Department will coordinate with the police in making the date available to the public.

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