Student denies incest with girl 13
Student denies incest with girl 13

Student denies incest with girl, 13

SEREMBAN: A 22-year-old diploma student claimed trial at a Sessions Court here to two counts of committing incest with his sister who was four months short of her 13th birthday.

The accused, who was 19 at the time of the alleged crimes, pleaded not guilty after the charges were read to him before judge Datin Surita Budin.

He allegedly committed the offences in January and March 2021 at their family home in Sikamat near here.

Deputy public prosecutor Jiwan Kaur Malkith Singh asked the court not to allow bail as both the accused and the victim had lived in the same house.

At present, she said the girl is under the care of the Welfare Department. She also asked for a second mention date as the prosecution had yet to get the victim’s medical report.

Counsel for the accused, Haresh Mahadevan, then told the court that the accused recently completed his diploma in mechanical engineering at an institution in Johor and is due to start his internship at a company in the same state.

“The accused has given us the commitment that he will not contact the victim.

“His brother-in-law has also given an undertaking that the accused will live with him whenever he returns to Seremban,” he said.

Haresh was assisted by Ramzani Idris.

Judge Surita set bail at RM10,000 and told the accused not to contact the victim.

She also ordered the accused to report once a month at the nearest police station.

Surita then set March 18 for next mention.

The accused was charged under Section 376B(1) of the Penal Code read together with Section 16(1) of the Sexual Offences Against Children Act.

The provision under the Penal Code carries a jail term of between 10 and 30 years and whipping upon conviction while the offence under the Sexual Offences Act Against Children outlines an imprisonment of not more than five years and whipping.

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